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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Woman in abandoned town stuffs HUMANS for MORBID museum

Monowi, Nebraska, USA

(Picture provided by This article is for entertainment purposes only.)

Nebraska is home to a strange small town in which the population is exactly one. 
The once populous town has somehow died out, leaving only one resident who operates a bar and a public library for visitors, all on her own. The reasoning behind the mass exodus of people, and her staying, is starting to unravel. 

A small crew of college film makers decided to visit this small town. 
They were very interested in a library that caters to 1 person, and others passing through. 
They were inspired by "The Blair With Project" and "House of 1000 corpses"
(Seeing as how both of those movies ended in tragedy, I can't see how they thought this was a good idea.) 
(Photo courtesy

When they arrived they found the town abandoned, except for the bar. 
The bar seemed STABLE on the outside, but on the inside it was something out of "From Dusk till Dawn". A mariachi band, dancers, midgets serving jello shots made from used Breast Implants.
 (Yes, I found this odd too. The chemicals mixed with alcohol create a Euphoric sense. Like that of an Opiate.)

(Photo courtesy

The towns only resident, simply referred to herself as "The One", made her appearance after the group was intoxicated. At this point they began asking her questions and filming her replies. According to the data that was salvaged, she was very much into Taxidermy. The footage ends when she escorts the group into a Gymnasium full of STUFFED HUMANS!

This was the population of Monowi, Nebraska and their fate is unknown,
One of the students managed to escape but is in a catatonic state and is a ward of the state. The footage was all that was uploaded to "the cloud" during their filming. The town is so desolate that cell service is rare, and "The One" only had dial up internet access.

(Photo courtesy of

It was later to be acknowledged that "The One" had a "Wax Museum" in the abandoned school. 
This was described to be a Tribute to those who left, and abandoned hope. 
Instead, it is a macabre reminder that giving up can have dire consequences. Never give up, or some nut job "BOOK LADY" will stuff you, and charge admission to look at your body.

Article written by: R.p.C
Edited by: Spell Check
Photos provided by: Cited

See the WEIRDEST towns in America below!

(Check out for MORE offensive comedy.)

1 comment:

Say whatever you want. Everyone always argues about RACE, Politics and RELIGION, anyway! Like I am going to MODERATE that BS!