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Monday, April 13, 2015

Two Midwest Men form the first "Casey Anthony" fan club


Casey Anthony is best know for smoking cigars, and putting bottles into her body cavities. At one time, she did murder her daughter, and somehow, got away with it. In a land where CHILD MOLESTORS get probation and Drug Dealers get life, in America, you can get away with murder. So long as your case is so hyped up in the media that the crime takes a back seat to any actual justice.

Two men from the Midwest, who were MADLY infatuated with Casey Anthony. 
(One allegedly has a cigar butt that Casey used as a sex toy. GROSS)
Decided to start a "Fan Club" for those in love with Casey.

"There are no FAN CLUBS for evil people in the world. She may be a murderer, but I will HIT THAT in a heart beat. Genital Warts and all." Explained one founder

"I don't think she murdered her child at all. My kids are all the time tying one another up and playing the storm drain game."

Upon talking to the Gentlemen, they gave us a copy of their newest commercial for their fan club. You can view it below in FULL HD and mediocre GREEN SCREEN!

As shocking as this, there seem to be MORE and MORE fan clubs popping up for the "Infamous" Americans and their crimes.

"Once the American media ruins them, they need to live. This allows them to make some money, buy cigars Champagne, a house... Maybe a car. 
We just want to give back to those that have already taken so much."

They ask that you watch the above video before joining the Fan Club. 
It may not be for everyone.
Below are some of the other "INFAMOUS FAN CLUBS" that exist as well.

Executed for defending herself against horny assholes.

Guilty of trying to chop fire wood, missing, and hitting her entire family.

Guilty of parking on a boat ramp and having bad brakes.

As you can see, not ALL of these women are guilty. 
Women are persecuted 125% more than men because they have a vagina. 
This is the actual wording in docket # 34.987 in Franklin vs Jackson 1923.

Support Women Murderers, they are people too!

(This entire article, site, and most likely my name too, is all SATIRE. You were told, now stop pretending you didn't know.)

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Say whatever you want. Everyone always argues about RACE, Politics and RELIGION, anyway! Like I am going to MODERATE that BS!