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Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Safety Fairy Tells You How To NOT park on Crosswalks

The SAFETY FAIRY gives a lesson on how yo NOT park on Crosswalks.
Some of the Parents or "ADULTS" feel entitled to park ON crosswalks, so they can be close, and not mess up their $44 hairdos. They have also parked in the Handicapped zone.
They threatened to punch a GOOD friend of TSF in the face for holding them accountable.

Safety Fairy WILL be live on location at the school soon!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Louis C.K. hates Israel and loves french pedophiles

Louis C.K. took the stage to do his "Saturday night live" monolog. Little did the crowd know that he was about to let the cat out of the bag.

I'm what seemed like an hour of kittens being killed with a ball peen hammer, Louis released a barrage of shocking revelations.

He began innocently enough, typical shocking Louis stuff. Then wham.

He admits to liking "mac Donalds" and his neighborhood french pedophile. Louis described in detail how he would go for rides with the man just to get a Big Mac.

Upon this revelation he admitted to hating Israel and Palestine because they smell different than Americans.

All of this can be seen on the Internet. Which means it is true.

Check it out.


That's all for today.
Visit for more laughs.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Assassination attempt on SHAQ unsuccessful - ESPN on the WarPath

An unknown assassin attempted to take out Basketball legend, Shaquille O'Neal.

As you can clearly see, Shaq was set up. Local authorities are NOT looking into the matter. Something about hundreds of unsolved homicides. and 1 rich dick doesn't matter.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stone Cold and Dixie Carter BURY Vince McMahon on Podcast

Dixie Carter and Stone Cold Steve Austin BURY Vince McMahon on STONE COLD Podcast!

The marks are losing their minds, and the IWC has stopped masturbating long enough, to complain. 

Dixie Carter appeared on "The Stone Cold Podcast" to deliver the DEATH BLOW to Vince McMahon and his Fledgling WWE. For years Dixie has DOMINATED the ratings, so much that she has went thru several television deals, because the stations can NOT handle the AD revenue and Attendance records TNA shatters week in and week out.

When asked what the final blow was, she replied.

"Wrestling is fake..."

Once this quote was released WWE stocks TANKED, investors were scrambling to sell, and buy up any investments in TNA. Many have HAILED dixie for using such restraint for so long, but it is TIME for their to only be 1 wrestling company, to produce crappy, predictable, story lines.
That company is TNA.

During the podcast, Bobby Roode and Eric Young, 
were seen smashing pumpkins, outside the studio.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

JARED LETOS Joker has rappers copying his GRILL.

After JARED LETO revealed his JOKER LOOK for the "SUICIDE SQUAD" rappers, and Hollywood DOUCHE LORDS alike, ran out to copy his GRILL!

Justin Bieber had his made out of NAZI gold, 
That's a little messed up if you ask me!

Not to be OUT DONE, Flavor Flav went for the GOLD FOIL look. 

NELLY added 2 Chandelier's to his head to accent his net worth.

Marilyn Manson even got in on the action with his "Ate a spoon full of feces" look.

An INSECURE "LiL Wayne" seeks your approval on his SHINY new Gremlin Grill.

In the age of TECHNOLOGY, even BABIES are getting in on the action.

Ultimately it came down to this.
Jared was offered this deal with the relaunch of GAMEBOY.
No one cares about FADS, it is ALL about the money baby.

When asked or comment, all HEATH LEDGER could say is:

Friday, April 24, 2015

Ibrahim Ahmad - Suicide Bombers plans foiled at PROM


Thought it would be cute to disguise a "Terror Attack" by making it look like a "Promposal". 

Thanks to the efforts of this man, those efforts were thwarted 
and MURICA continues to be the #1 Country on planet earth.

rushed the would be terrorist, put him in what he called "The YES lock" 
and made him submit to America's almighty Obesity.

"People told me I was too FAT to be anything. This bothered me for years. So, I was standing around a random Highschool, hitting on underage girls, and I see this Middle Eastern guy walk in with a BOMB on his chest. So I did what my favorite wrestler "Daniel Bryan" would do. MAKE HIM TAP!"

This is FAT GUYS favorite wrestler, "Daniel Bryan".

Take today to hug an OBESE Video game nerd.
He MAY save your life.

(This story and any other bullshit on this blog is FAKE and MADE UP. STOP believing everything on the internet. Slapnuts.)